You're reading: Four simple ways to teach your kid colors

The importance of colors can never be underestimated, nor can it be described in a single simple sentence.

A child will first learn the names of nouns before they learn the word used to describe these nouns. He will be easily confused when presented with an array of colors in a large group. Remember, your child should be able to name at least four colors at the age of five.

Color instruction should;-

Start by matching items with the same color

Have your child identify an object with a particular color for instance ‘’show me the red one.’’

Lastly, ask your child to name the color of an item of your choice.

According to, learning colors is helpful to your kid’s brain development. The following four activities will help you teach your child.

1. Use food and outfit for color selection

Children love snacks, right? Give your kid a plate full of snacks with different colors and encourage him to sort them according to their colors. Other types of food could also be used. Nonetheless, you can also use their outfit. Ask him to label, for instance ‘What color is your shorts?’Also, you can have him pick items of the same color from the closet.

2. Use of fun apps that motivates and engages your kid

A case in point is the Try Color Me Pete, an iPad app that uses the iPad’s camera and engages the users in searching around their environment for particular colors. Once you find the color, you just tap to select it. This app identifies the color and tells you whether it’s a match or not.

3. Labelling

Labelling with come in handy once your kid has passed the phases of matching and identification. Use colors to have your child describe his request. For instance, when your child says, ‘‘I want this up’’, ask him to be specific about the color.

4. Use of apps that ‘speak color.’

Speak Colors is an iPad app that elicits colors in a sentence, for instance, and gives your kid an immediate feedback. Firstly, have your child name the color in question. After this, they can tap and hear the computer label it. Lastly, record it in a clear sentence. Do not underestimate the fact that many kids will be motivated by hearing their voices being replayed.