You're reading: Official: Ukraine decentralization referendum may be held together with presidential elections

Ukrainian Deputy Security and Defense Council Secretary Viktoria Siumar believes a referendum on government decentralization in Ukraine could be held simultaneously with the second round of presidential elections, which is most likely to take place on June 15.

“This is likely to be June 15. The Justice Ministry and the Central
Elections Commission are currently working on this matter. As for the
questions to be proposed [for the referendum], these will be questions
concerning decentralization of government,” Siumar said at a press
conference in Kyiv on Tuesday.

The Central Elections Commission is considering the possibility of
holding such a referendum either simultaneously with the first round of
the presidential elections (May 25) or with the second, she said.

Holding a referendum simultaneously with presidential elections will
save significant funds, Siumar said. If a referendum is held separately,
this will cost UAH 1 billion, but if it is combined with the
presidential elections, the costs will amount to UAH 15 million to UAH
30 million, she said.