You're reading: Ukraine could start producing biometric passports in a few months

The Ukrainian Interior Ministry predicts that Ukraine will start producing electronic biometric passports by this summer.

"The passports will be produced in three or four months," Interior Minister Anatoliy Mohyliov said at an inter-departmental meeting in Kyiv on Wednesday.

He said that the question remained open as to which data should be included in biometric passports.

Mohyliov also stressed the need to minimize the cost of the biometric passports. He said that such documents cost about Hr 600 in Europe. It is planned that the cost of biometric and foreign passports will be the same for Ukrainians.

The minister said that it was necessary to pass a law regulating the introduction in Ukraine of biometric passports, in particular, the specific data that will be included in them.

He said that if the respective bill were passed by the parliament, it would only be several weeks before Ukrainians would start to be issued such passports.