But as the two-year mark approaches since the end of the EuroMaidan Revolution, clean and fair elections as early as this fall are the only way to reset power and give voters another chance to purge the obstructions from power.

For now, we favor only parliamentary elections adhering to the new election law that limits how much individuals and businesses can donate. Lawmakers must also stand for election either in geographic districts or open party lists, under which voters know exactly who they are voting for.

We are uncertain about an early presidential election is required yet. even though we are deeply disappointed in President Petro Poroshenko’s performance, replacing a commander-in-chief during war may not be the best path.

Before any new election, however, we favor a reduction in the size of parliament. Its current size — 450 members — has proven too unwieldy to govern.

Legal immunity from criminal prosecution also needs to be lifted before the next election, so that the top lawmaking body stops being a refuge from prison for the richest and most corrupt officials.

Many in the West are arguing that early elections are dangerous. We don’t think so. We see a cadre of highly educated and honest professionals ready to take up politics for patriotic reasons. Another election will likely increase their number in parliament as long as the corrupting influence of big and dirty money is removed from the campaign.