Anatoliy Rodchenko

Anatoliy Rodchenko,
“Our parliament desperately needs more highly intelligent people who will listen to Ukrainian citizens and put the people’s views into practice…Also the huge potential of farming and agriculture continues to go unrealized. In my opinion, parliament should speed up the development and modernization of these sectors.”

Elina Sultanova

Elina Sultanova,
“As a Crimean migrant, I expect parliament to create a social program that helps migrants with a range of needs – from housing to efficient public transportation for accessing jobs spread over vast areas.”

Roman Ivanenko

Roman Ivanenko,
“Parliament should completely reboot the Ukrainian judiciary, and they must do this by suspending all current judges. In my opinion, our parliament also needs new faces…The other thing we all need is a decentralization reform – the delegation of powers to different levels of government.”

Oleksiy Bahnykov

Oleksiy Bahnykov,
“This year I expect parliament to start the process of internationalization of higher education in Ukraine. Our universities should have partners and collaborators in international educational, scientific and business institutions in order to have an opportunity to participate in international events and represent our scientific achievements.”