What’s the last book you have read?

Dmytro Oche­retian,
student at a technical university

“ ‘Trohy Pitmy’ by Lyubko Deresh, a new Ukrainian author. It’s about one man’s journey and his encounters with youth subcultures – Punks, Goths, etc. It’s not fiction, quite specific literature, interesting, and I would advise you to read it.”

Oleksandr Magirev,
medical student

“ ‘The Vampire Diaries’, by Lisa Smith, a fantasy story. I just came across this book by chance, opened it, read a couple of lines – and liked it. Generally speaking, fantasy is something I prefer – Tolkien, for instance.”

Dmytro Rudkovsky,

“Exactly a month ago, I was re-reading War and Peace by Lev Tolstoy … with my nephew. The book is a part of his curriculum. I like to read various books that I come across, random books during journeys, etc. Mostly detective stories, investigations, TV novels.”

Oksana Yazova,

“I’ve read a lot of books lately. My last book was “Eat, Pray, Love,” the life story of American journalist Elizabeth Gilbert. I haven’t watched the film yet, but want to. I finally bought the book because I was searching for it in our office for 2 months. I started reading and understood that the story is very similar to my story. I haven’t finished it yet, but I enjoy it.”

Yevhen Shpa­kovsky,

“Dosto­evsky’s ‘Idiot.‘ I was a young boy when I read it first. But while reading it again, a lot reminded me of recent passions, idiocies and the like. Most often I read newspapers, or take Agatha Christie from my wife. I sometimes read Dontsova, Ustinova, Marinina.”