Do you think Hanna Herman’s idea that Ukraine should have three official state languages – Ukrainian, Russian and English – is a good one?



Natalia Rezni­chenko
“I don’t see anything bad about this idea. However, it is not realistic. Anyway, some people will still speak Ukrainian, some will speak Russian. For example, in Crimea, Ukrainian will never take root. I lived there and know it. The Tatar language is more likely to take root there. Besides, there are a large number of Russian immigrants living there who don’t accept Ukrainian.”


Oleh Zakrevsky

“Frankly speaking, I don’t approve of this idea. In any case we use these languages [Ukrainian, Russian, English], but Ukrainian should be the only official language.”


Zhanna Artemenko
“I think the more languages a person knows, the better. Such a person is of higher intellect.”


Maryna Marinina
Civil servant
“I don’t support this idea. I suppose we have our own state – Ukraine – and the Ukrainian language is the most optimal option. I don’t even welcome Russian.”


Roman Boyko
“I support it. I am a linguist, and I study languages. The more languages we know, the better. I’ve never been against Ukrainian or Russian. I am very happy we have a possibility to know both Russian and Ukrainian at the same time. And if we have English [as an official state language] – maybe it obliges someone to do something – but I think it will only be for the better.”