You're reading: Yanukovych wants to cancel norm on registration of parties’ local branches one year ahead of local elections

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych wants the Verkhovna Rada to cancel a norm of the local election law depriving political parties of the right to nominate candidates to local councils in areas where they do not have respective local branches registered 365 days ahead of local elections and to reinstate the norm after the local elections set for October 31, 2010.

Yanukovych gave his position in an interview with Deutsche Welle.

"I have made a decision for myself – to cancel this norm of the law and reinstate it right after the local elections," said Yanukovych.

In the opinion of the Ukrainian president, the norm of the law will force all parties to abide by the norms of the law on political parties in Ukraine requiring parties to register their braches in cities, towns, and villages.

Yanukovych mentioned the case with the Strong Ukraine party which was registered three years ago but has failed to register its branches.

As Ukrainian News earlier reported, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in July 2010 introduced a mixed election system for the local elections in Ukraine. The law deprived blocs of political parties of the right to take part in the local elections.

The law also deprives political parties of the right to nominate their candidates to local councils in areas where they do not have respective local branches registered 365 days ahead of local elections.

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine will convene for its extraordinary plenary session meeting on August 30. One of the questions of the session of the parliament will be introduction of amendments to the local elections law, including cancellation of the norm.

The Verkhovna Rada set the local elections in Ukraine for 31 October 2010.