You're reading: Cabinet additionally provides Hr 9.5 billion to pay allowance to military servicemen

The Ukrainian government has provided Hr 9.494 billion to pay money allowance to servicemen of the Ukrainian Army.

This is stipulated in cabinet resolution No. 678-r of July 17, 2014.

The funds have been allocated from the reserve fund of the national budget.

The cabinet, in particular, provided UA 8.987 billion to the Defense
Ministry of Ukraine and Hr 507.63 million to the chief intelligence
department of the Defense Ministry.

The money will be sent to pay money allowance to servicemen of the
Ukrainian Armed Forces, buy apartments and pay one-time aid to the
families of servicemen who were killed and provide the army with
material logistics in the autumn and winter period.

In addition, the funds will be used to supply clothing and equipment
allowance, medical equipment, fuel and lubricants to the army, create,
purchase, modernize and repair armament, military and reconnaissance

The additional financing will be sent to carry out special measures,
restore reserve stocks and prepare the quarters and residential fund of
military towns to the exploitation in the autumn and winter period in
the stationary and mobile conditions.