You're reading: ‘Crimea’ special volunteer battalion to be formed shortly

The new "Crimea" special volunteer battalion will be formed at the current location of Donbas battalion, units of which are going to eastern Ukraine, commander of the Donetsk region Donbas volunteer territorial defense battalion Semen Semenchenko has said.

“This decision was made by the command of the National Guard of
Ukraine in response to addresses by over 2,000 reservists from Donbas.
After the departure of the last Donbas unit (I think it’s a matter of
5-6 days), within a month, the available group of instructors, educated
and decent officers and patriots of Ukraine from Donbas battalion, will
create a volunteer battalion using the same training system as the one
used on Donbas. I take personal responsibility for it,” Semenchenko
wrote on his Facebook page on June 19.

He said he hopes that both battalions will be united under single
operational command system, and in future they will become a foundation
for a separate “Donbas” National Guard brigade. Semenchenko said that
goals and tasks of the new battalion and requirements for candidates
would be announced later.