You're reading: New documentary ‘Battle for Ukraine’ follows evolution of crisis from EuroMaidan to war in east (VIDEO)

A new documentary reported and filmed by American filmmaker James Jones shows the development of the Ukrainian social and political crisis starting with the clashes in Kyiv in late February and ending with the early presidential elections on May 25th.

Battle for
,” which aired on PBS on May 27, includes interviews with EuroMaidan protesters,
separatist leaders and Kyiv officials, as well as extracts from Russian President
Vladimir Putin’s briefings on Ukraine.

Jones was on the
ground for and filmed many violent attacks in Kyiv and Kharkiv, as well as in
several eastern Ukraine cities, providing a comprehensive visual account of a
deepening conflict edging closer to all-out civil war. In some places, however,
the documentarian finds that it’s already a reality.

Watch the full 32-minute documentary below, or over at PBS.