You're reading: Opening ceremony for Euro 2012 to last 12 minutes

The opening ceremony for Euro 2012 European football championship, which will be held in Warsaw on June 8, will combine sport and culture with an emphasis on local traditions, innovative technologies and the values of UEFA.

"The show will begin 20 minutes before the start of the match between national teams of Poland and Greece and will be an unforgettable event, which will open the 14th European football championship in Poland and Ukraine," UEFA reported in a posting on its Web site.

The cermony will last for 12 minutes, and will mark the beginning of a historic event – the first European football championship held on the territory of Central and Eastern Europe. Moreover, the show reflects the national character of the participating countries and universally recognized values of UEFA: unity, competition, and passion.

Creative director and executive producer of Flimmaster Events Italian Company Marco Balich, who organizes and holds such events, developed the concept of the ceremony. He took part in the creation of the concept for the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2006 Winter Olympic Games in Turin. Moreover, he has an experience of the working in Ukraine. In 2009 Balich worked on the opening ceremony for the Donbas Arena stadium in Donetsk.

At the ceremony, the famous Hungarian pianist Adam Gyorgy, who recently celebrated the 30th anniversary of the no-seat concert at New Yorks Carnegie hall, will perform with a Chopin etude for piano. He will try to mix the sports atmosphere with classical traditions of Chopin. Gyorgy is a great football fan and plays football almost every day. Moreover, the pianist has experience of playing for national Hungarian team at Futsal.

Over 800 volunteers from 63 countries will take part in the choreographic performance at the opening ceremony. It is expected that 150 millions of people all over the world will watch the ceremony in a live broadcast.