You're reading: Over half of Ukrainians support joining NATO

The majority of Ukrainians (53.4%) would vote for joining NATO, if such a referendum were to take place on Sunday. A total of 33.6% would vote against it, 5.6% - wouldn't come to the referendum at all, and 7.4% either haven't decided yet or refused to answer, according to the poll by the Gorshenin Institute. 

Almost two thirds of Ukrainians (63.6%) believe that Ukraine’s foreign policy must be aimed at coming closer to the EU, sociologist at the Gorshenin Institute Liudmyla Chetvertukhina said at a press conference in Kyiv on Wednesday.

Also, 13.8% believe that Ukraine should look east and join the Customs Union with Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, 14.6% support other options for foreign policy, and 8.1% found it difficult to answer.

The respondents’ opinions on the so-called ‘street’ or ‘garbage’ lustration (when citizens throw politicians they don’t like into dumpsters) divided. A total of 40.9% spoke in favor of it and 48.8% – against it.

In addition, 38.1% of Ukrainians are ready to go out to Maidan once again, if they see that the new authorities fail to act, implement reforms or keep their promises. However, 49% don’t think it’s necessary to resort to such measures, and 13% couldn’t answer the question.

The poll was conducted on Oct. 12-21 by the Gorshenin Institute. A total of 2,000 respondents were polled. The poll’s margin of error doesn’t exceed 2.2%.