You're reading: Ukrainian government approves Hr 114 million state order for space activities for 2013

The Ukrainian government has approved an action plan for the development of space activities and the production of space technology for 2013. 

According to resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers N 790-r dated October 17, the State Space Agency of Ukraine has been chosen as a state customer for space activities worth Hr 114 million.

According to the document, the State Space Agency and the Finance Ministry were ordered to provide funds for the planned activities in the draft budget for 2013.

The state funding provided for Earth observation should reach Hr 23.7 million, that for improving space telecommunication systems and navigation Hr 4.4 million, that for space activities in the interests of national security and defense Hr 2.2 million, that for space research Hr 63.1 million, that for the development of space systems Hr 18.8 million, that in the field of industrial and technological development Hr 0.6 million, that for deepening international cooperation Hr 1.2 million.