You're reading: Ukrainian minister says he can’t demand recall of Inter’s license but supports approach

Ukraine's Information Policy Minister Yuriy Stets has said that he cannot demand the withdrawal of the broadcasting license from Inter TV channel because that could be regarded as pressure on the National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting. 

“If I start demanding the withdrawal of the license from Inter, it will
constitute direct pressure on the National Council for Television and Radio
Broadcasting. Clearly I cannot do that. I can only express my opinion – I fully
support the indignant bloggers. Having no direct levers of influence I can only
switch off on my own set the TV channel that ventured to demonstrate Russian
citizens that are doing their utmost for Ukraine to stop being indivisible and
independent,” he said in a Jan. 1 interview with 112 Ukraine channel.

At the same time he said that in the cabinet he intends to come up with a
legislative initiative of spreading the black lists to TV and radio

“These people should not only be barred from entering Ukraine in person. They
should not be allowed to penetrate our country through broadcasts. The status of
persona non grata should also apply to TV channels and the radio,” he said that
he intends to submit a relevant bill to Verkhovna Rada at the nearest session