You're reading: Martial arts competition

Seven boxing platforms will turn into a battle field with various martial arts like sumo, sambo, karate, and jujutsu competitions

Some 600 sportsmen will arrive from 35 countries, but only 18 pairs will qualify for the finals.

Ukraine’s strongest man Vasyl Virastyuk will compete as well, lifting weights in the hope of breaking world records.

Virastyuk is one of very few sportsmen in the world who holds both World’s Strongest Man and International Federation of Strength Athletes titles.

Saturday, March 12:
at 12 p.m. in the Sports center of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, 1/26 Verkhnyoklucheva St. Tickets: Hr 50.

Finals at 7 p.m., Acco International, 40B Peremohy Pr-kt., 238-2888. (in Russian only). Tickets: Hr 150-300.