You're reading: World Cup 2010 blog: Schland and the hand of God

Germany’s cool new attitude and flowing football style, shown in easy stylish victories over old rivals England and Argentina, now has a musical corollary.

A group of German students recorded a youtube video dedicated to Germany’s world cup squad that has become a huge viral hit with millions of viewers. The song is a tongue-in-cheek remake of Germany’s winning entry in the Eurovision song contest in May and bears the title “Schland O Schland”: ‘Schland’ is Germans’ affectionate hip new nickname for their country, whose full name Deutschland is for many over burdened by history.


The video exudes the same festive summer spirit the young national team has unexpectedly exhibited down under in South Africa. The song spread like wildfire on the Internet and was even boosted by a copyright spat, with the video taken down from youtube for a while, to public protest. With a laid-back catchy refrain of “Schland o Schland, we’re pleased about you”, the singer and author Christan Landgraf, sporting a dress and wig, goes on to proclaim that the Chancellor, the Kaiser and even the Pope would all be cheering on the team.

In fact, although the last claim looked originally like hyperbole, the Pope’s brother Georg Ratzinger confirmed to a German paper at the weekend that God’s vicar on earth was supporting Germany, even if not watching all the games. “He wishes them luck and will be happy to hear they have won,” his brother Georg told the paper tz.

So Diego Maradona can console himself with the thought that in contrast to 1986, this year the hand of God was simply on the other foot.