You're reading: Poll: Ukrainians doubt if army could defend country from enemies

More than two thirds of Ukrainians think that national army would not be able to defend Ukraine in the case of there being a real threat of aggression from another countries, according to a nationwide phone survey conducted by Kyiv-based Gorshenin Institute of Management Issues.

According to the poll, 3.6% of the respondents definitely believe in the military efficiency of the Ukrainian army, while 19.8% said they were more likely than not to believe in the army’s fighting capacities.

Forty-four point nine percent of those polled were more likely than not to doubt the army’s ability to defend Ukraine, and 23.4% of Ukrainians had no confidence in the army.

Some 58.7% of respondents think that the Ukrainian army should consist both of contract soldiers and conscripts. At the same time, 25.1% of polled say that army must consist just of contract soldiers, while 7.9% said the army should consist only of conscripts.

Among the reasons why many young people do not want to serve in the army, 47.9% of those polled said it was a waste of an academic year and a risk to building a career.

For 33.7% of Ukrainian, the reason was the bad conditions for conscripts, while 32.7% say they did not want to serve because of the bullying of young conscripts by more senior ones, and 30.7% of polled think that the fear of the hardship and challenges of army life put young people off the army.

Moreover, 29.4% of Ukrainians said the absence of a sense of duty to the Motherland was behind the unwillingness of youth to service army, when 27.8% of citizens said it was due to bad living conditions in the army.

Another 11.5% said the discrediting of the army by the mass media and 4.7% the spread of pacifism in society are the main reasons for the unwillingness of young people to serve in the army.

A total of 1,000 respondents were interviewed on September 18-20. The poll’s margin of error is +/-3.2%.