You're reading: Tymoshenko: Government has spent Hr 50 million on Tamiflu

The Ukrainian government has spent Hr 50 million on anti-viral drug Taliflu, 37 labs to test for H1N1 virus, antibiotics, medical ventilation apparatus and bronchoscopes, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko said in parliament on Nov. 3.

Tamiflu was purchased directly from the Swiss producer company at the price of Hr 67 per pack, Tymoshenko said. The drug, however, was available at the pharmacies for the price of at least Hr 400.

Another Hr 1 billion has been released from the government’s special emergency fund to combat the H1N1 virus.

“The money will be spend on four major issues: drugs, medical equipment, hospital beds and needs of the ministry of the emergency situations,” Tymoshenko, told the parliament that convened for a special hearing on flu epidemic.

Ukraine so far has 14 confirmed cases of H1N1. Health ministry officials admitted 71 deaths due to flu and pneumonia including three pregnant women and four medical workers. More than 260, 000 people are currently reported sick with colds, flu and other diseases typical for this time of the year.

Health officials have announced quarantine in nine regions of Ukraine and closed kindergartens, schools, universities and public gatherings for three weeks to prevent the spread of the virus.