You're reading: Ukrainians interested in Harry Potter and tax code

Ukrainian Internet users were most interested in the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movie in November, with a record number for 2010 of 530,000 queries being made.

The press service of the Yandex-Ukraine Company reported that this number was almost triple the number of queries on the most important event for the state – the adoption of the Tax Code (more than 188,000 requests per month).

In addition, seasonal interest in the Christmas holidays traditionally increased in November. Ukrainians searched for "New Year presents," "New Year congratulations in verse," and "New Year riddles."

Regardless of the season of the year, Internet users are also interested in games and TV series. In particular, the game Call of Duty: Black Ops took third position, The Need for Speed Hot Pursuit took fifth position, and Two Words 2 took seventh position in the November rating. The Blue Mountain State, The Walking Dead, and The Vampire Diaries series took respectively fourth, ninth and sixth positions in the search rankings.