You're reading: Financial Times: Dershowitz to assist Kuchma defense

Roman Olearchyk wrote: "Leonid Kuchma, the former Ukrainian president who was charged last week by prosecutors in connection with the murder of a journalist in 2000, has hired Alan Dershowitz, the prominent US-based criminal defence lawyer, to his legal team. Dershowitz, a Harvard Law School professor, is known for his involvement in high-profile criminal cases. He has made headlines in the US representing celebrities and advised on the defence of OJ Simpson."

According to the report, Kuchma was implicated in the murder by secret audio recordings allegedly made by a presidential bodyguard, which a senior prosecutor said last Tuesday would figure in the case as “material evidence.” In a statement, Dershowitz challenged the reliability of the recordings, saying it was “relatively easy to change words on a digital recording to create guilty-sounding statements. Parts can be deleted, copied, pasted and altered.”

Read the story here.