You're reading: Lithuania will provide Ukrainian soldiers with helmets, bulletproof vests and shields

Vilnius – Lithuania will present helmets, bulletproof vests and shields to Ukrainian soldiers, according to Lithuanian Interior Ministry.

This issue was discussed by Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania Dailis Alfonsas Barakauskas and Ukrainian Ambassador in Vilnius Valeriy Zhovtenko.

“Police department under the Ministry of the Interior will provide as much help as possible – Ukrainian soldiers will receive helmets, bulletproof vests and shields, reads a statement from the Lithuanian Ministry of the Interior.

Ministry’s representatives told BNS Agency that the volumes of special equipment would be decided later on.

According to the ministry’s press release, in the course of the meeting Zhovtenko handed a letter from Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov to Barakauskas. The letter contains information on investigations related to certain Ukrainian government officials that were initiated by Russia.

The letter also draws attention to the fact that Russian representatives might address to Lithuanian law enforcement agencies regarding criminal prosecution of Ukrainian government representatives. It also contains a request to look into such cases objectively and reasonably “to avoid unreasonable actions.”

Lithuanian minister ordered International Cooperation Department under the Lithuanian Ministry of the Interior to address this matter, reads the statement.