You're reading: Cabinet approves project to reconstruct section of M-03 Kyiv-Kharkiv-Dovzhansky road for Hr 3.5 billion

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on August 7 approved the project of the reconstruction of the M-03 Kyiv-Kharkiv-Dovzhansky highway of state importance on the Lubny-Poltava section in Poltava region with an estimated cost of about Hr 3.5 billion.

According to the press service of the Infrastructure Ministry, the M-03 Kyiv-Kharkiv-Dovzhansky road passes through Lubny, Khorol, Velyka Bahachka, and Reshetylivka districts.

“The reconstruction of these sections of the road will improve their condition, provide maximum safety and convenience for traffic and reduce the negative impact of the road transport sector on the environment,” First Deputy Minister of Infrastructure Kostiantyn Yefymenko said.

Reconstruction foresees the expansion of the existing roadbed to four lanes.

During renovation, the work will be carried out on the sections in Poltava region on a total length of 82.74 km with doubling the width of the roadway to 15 meters. The project foresees the reconstruction of two interchanges at two levels, three overpasses and six bridges.

According to Yefymenko, the funding of the highway reconstruction will be carried out at the expense of a loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development under state guarantees.