You're reading: Kyiv Post’s Anastasia Forina wins fellowship at Chicago Tribune

The Alfred Friendly Press Partners and the ImpactMedia program of the Foundation for Effective Governance announced on Dec. 18 that Kyiv Post staff writer Anastasia Forina will be the Press Partners’ 2014 Ukrainian Economics Fellow. The Chicago Tribune will host Forina. She will focus on economics journalism for five months.  She will also receive specialized training at the beginning, middle and end of the fellowship –  including a 10-day workshop at the University of Missouri School of Journalism.

Forina has covered business, politics and lifestyle issues and speaks English and Russian as well as Ukrainian. She will be the first Press Partners’ Fellow from Ukraine.

“We are delighted to have this new partnership at this historic time in Ukraine,” said Randall D. Smith, President of the Alfred Friendly Press Fellowships. “Journalism is the backbone of any democracy, and we believe deeply in building journalism programs and journalists. We’ve been doing this for 30 years around the world and have touched more than 300 journalists in places exactly like Kyiv.”

Kathleen Graham, executive director of Alfred Friendly Press Partners and a member of the ImpactMedia Advisory Board, visited Ukraine to meet with fellowship candidates. “Anastasia is a solid journalist who will thrive at the Chicago Tribune,” said Graham. “She has great story ideas, a willingness to learn and a good understanding of complex economics stories. We look forward to having Anastasia as our first Ukrainian fellow.”

The partnership is underwritten by the Foundation for Effective Governance and administered by the Alfred Friendly Press Partners.

A press release described the work of the organizations involved:

Alfred Friendly Press Partners believe that just societies must have a vigorous and principled free press. The Press Partners works to strengthen skills and values by placing
talented international journalists in U.S. newsrooms and establishing long-term training partnerships with news organizations that share the goal of fostering professional excellence. Programs are supported by contributions from individuals, newsrooms and foundations.

The Foundation for Effective Governance was established in 2007 to develop and implement projects and programs focused on the long-term development of the Ukrainian economy and to further public debate on the most important economic challenges facing Ukraine. FEG is a nonprofit, independent organization serving the interests of Ukrainian citizens.

ImpactMedia is an international education pilot created to foster quality economics journalism in Ukraine. It aims to provide access to top-notch international training in economics journalism to Ukrainian reporters and editors.