You're reading: National television council to conduct unscheduled checks at 44 companies

The National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting has started unscheduled checks of 44 television and radio companies regarding the non-observation of laws on advertisement and the election of lawmakers during the recent parliamentary election campaign. 

The decision was made at a meeting of the council after the discussion of its report on the observation of Ukrainian laws during the parliamentary election campaign of 2012 by television and radio organizations.

The report contains information about infringements that were often committed by television and radio organizations, and a list of companies with two and more infringements.

The council uncovered 89 facts of infringements committed by 44 television and radio organizations in 13 regions.

The council’s head, Volodymyr Manzhosov, reported on the key irregularities revealed: the non-observation of the procedure for the publication of poll data, the absence of the identification of election broadcasting and political advertising, inclusion of campaign materials in news and analytical programs and the participation of representatives of executive power bodies and local government bodies in the election campaign process.

In general, signs of the systemic non-observation of election laws that could have affected the outcome of the election were not found.