You're reading: Only 11 percent of Ukrainians favor country’s federalization, less than 6 percent wish their region gain independence

An amount of 46.7 percent of Ukrainian citizens polled by Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation spoke in favor of Ukraine as a unitary state, but only if decentralization of the power is carried and rights of the regions are enlarged.

Being asked a relative question, a total of 25.4 percent of polled said they support unitary state system of the country, when the regions have the same tights as today; 11.4 percent of people polled said they back up a federal state of Ukraine; 16.5 percent found it difficult to answer.

Moreover, 84.2 percent of the respondents gave negative response, 7.3 percent gave affirmative response, and 8.55 found it difficult to answer the question “Would like your region separated from Ukraine and become an independent state”.

Being asked whether one wish his region to become separate from Ukraine and join another state, 85.8 percent of Ukrainians said “no”; 5.8 percent said “yes”, and 8.4 percent found it difficult to answer.

The nationwide public moods survey was conducted by the foundation in cooperation with Kyiv International Institute of Sociology from Sept. 12 until Sept. 21, 2014. A total of 2,035 respondents were surveyed in 110 residential areas in all the regions of the country, except for Luhansk and Crimea. The poll’s margin of error does not exceed 2.2 percent.