These are values we tried to keep in mind as we reported and wrote a special Business Focus, starting on page 8, involving health care. But health-care prevention is easier said than done.

People just need to dart into one of Kyiv’s smoky bars to know that there’s too much drinking and smoking going on. It’s easy enough to choose not to drink, but when one cigarette is lit in the room, everybody – including non-smokers – is forced to inhale.

This is why the nation needs to adopt 100 percent smoke-free laws at all public places – including restaurants, bars and workplaces. The medical evidence is clear: There is no safe level of exposure to second-hand smoke, and more than 600,000 people in the world die prematurely from diseases related to inhaling second-hand smoke.

Additionally, the evidence is that businesses suffer no downturn because of indoor smoking bans – to the contrary, smokers adjust and non-smokers rejoice.

As for drinking and smoking, the best paths to success are the proven ones: Strict advertising and marketing bans help curb demand. There is progress here on the tobacco front: On Sept. 22, parliament passed a strong ban on tobacco advertising.

Tax hikes also prompt people to smoke and drink less, as well as cover the costs to society for their vices. But booze and cigarettes, despite tax increases recently, are still too cheap in Ukraine.

The culture of drinking and smoking is deeply embedded in Ukrainian society, as it is in many other nations. Unfortunately, before it is rooted out, Ukrainians are already succumbing to the same Western downfall of obesity that accompanies sedentary office jobs and lack of exercise.

There are signs, fortunately, that the obesity epidemic is abating. It can be conquered by engaging in favorite sports and curbing appetites. Many other things contribute to health, not least of which is emotional support from friends and meaningful work.

In health, the old adages are often the best ones: one step at a time, for exercise, and, with respect to vices and appetites, moderation in everything.