President Petro Poroshenko, as usual, pretended to be a pro-European reformer at his news conference on Feb. 28. As usual, he did not allow those willing to challenge that false image, including the Kyiv Post, to ask him a question.

Alright, we will ask him here.

Why has not a single in absentia graft case against top officials of ex-President Viktor Yanukovych been sent to trial? Why have all top Yanukovych allies residing in Ukraine, except for ex-Justice Minister Oleksandr Lavrynovych, escaped any corruption trials?

Why is not a single incumbent top official in jail for graft?

Do the authorities who have deported seven associates of Poroshenko’s political enemy Mikheil Saakashvili and then Saakashvili himself without court warrants in violation of the law qualify as sharing the European value of the rule of law?

How is the political repression that Ukrainian authorities unleashed against Poroshenko’s opponents different from Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s crackdown on his critics, including Alexei Navalny, other than in terms of its scale?

We know the answer, Mr. President: your pro-European reformer mask fell off a long time ago, and we can see your true face: that of a typical post-Soviet kleptocrat.