The imminent changes in Washington have inspired a lot of discussions in world capitals. Both hope and concern are high in Eastern Europe—an area still shaken by the war between Russia and Ukraine. Trump has claimed he alone can strike the sort of arrangements in business and politics that benefit his side the most and keep all parties happy. But what kind of deal will he make with Vladimir Putin? This deal would surely define the order of things in Europe and might settle the bloody and inconvenient conflict between the West and Russia. But what sacrifices would all sides make to seal it?

Influential Ukrainian tycoon Victor Pinchuk made a huge splash in his country when he suggested in the American media that the U.S. administration must find a compromise between the U.S., Russia and Ukraine. He suggested the latter abandon plans for European and Euroatlantic integration, forget about Crimea and focus on its economic development instead. The two “superpowers” in return will establish peace and guarantee Ukraine’s territorial integrity (or what is left of it after the aggression).

Read more here.