"My father died a free man, innocent and not convicted since a successful
appeal could not conclude upon his death. Over the last 35 years, the only
criminal proceeding that did conclude resulted in an Israeli acquittal.

Since the accusations in Germany, I stated that it was a political farce as
at his advanced age and poor health he could not survive another legal
process. As Nazi Germany committed crimes against humanity by killing a
forgotten several million Soviet POW’s by a tortuous starvation and diseased
death, today’s Germany intentionally chose such a surviving POW as a
scapegoat to blame Ukrainians for the Nazi crimes by German criminals which
historically went unpunished.

John Demjanjuk, as a child, survived Stalin’s murderous forced famine in
Ukraine. Having fought the Nazis as a young drafted Red Army soldier, he
survived when millions like him died. From childhood to elderly death, he
suffered while surviving unfair battles in Europe, the US, Israel and
finally and inexplicably in Germany. He will be buried a survivor of Soviet
and German persecution, an innocent and free man who loved life and whose
path was not guided by his free will but by the strength God provided him to
survive his journey home. His positive, caring nature and practical
influence will be deeply missed and fondly remembered by all who came to
personally know him."

John Demjanjuk Jr.