Read all of Reno Domenico’s blogs about the Republican and Democratic national conventions here.

PHILADELPHIA, PennsylvaniaThe theme of Day 2 of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia was bringing Unity to the party. This has been achieved.

When Senator Bernie Sanders moved for acclamation of Hillary Clinton’s nomination, Sanders did all he possibly could to bring our party together, and helped lead the fight to elect Hillary Clinton president of the United States.

For me personally it was a tremendously exciting evening to be part of this historic event. The first nomination by a major political party of a woman candidate for president.

Our Democrats Abroad delegation consisting of 17 votes announced our results: 10 votes for Sanders, and 7 votes for Hillary Clinton.

Democrats Abroad received considerable attention because our delegation includes Larry Sanders, the brother of Bernie Sanders.

Larry, who lives in London, gave a very emotional speech when he gave his one vote to his brother, bringing tears to both their eyes.

The convention was moved. So was our delegation. And the internet and social networks lit up with the video of Democrats Abroad, bringing lots of attention to our small but mighty state committee inside the Democratic Party.

Overshadowing our convention however was the fact that the DNC chairperson was replaced by Donna Brazile. Donna Brazile is a highly respected member of the Democratic Party, and her ascension was welcomed.

What caused this change at the top of the party in the middle of our convention was the news that the DNC email server had been hacked, ostensibly by Russian cyber spies.

This has led to serious speculation that the Russian Security Services, and/or the Kremlin itself are directly involving themselves in the American presidential elections.

This narrative is driven by the fact that Donald Trump seems to have, as secretary Madeleine Albright pointed out last evening, “a fascination with dictators.”

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, someone I had the pleasure of interviewing during our Democrats Abroad Global primary, pointed out that Republican candidate Donald Trump thinks very highly of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and has also spoken well about the former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

Autocrats and dictators are always known as a strong men. That doesn’t make them good.

Donald Trump also doubled down, again, on his obsession with weakening our NATO alliance, by reiterating that he thinks the NATO allies of the United States don’t carry their own weight financially and otherwise.

This is amazing.

What is the truth in this Russian cyber case? Hard to say.

However, it is clear that the Russian political position has been improved by the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union, and a weakening of NATO would result in a direct strengthening of the Russian position in Europe.

President Barack Obama this morning indicated that any softening of the NATO alliance would directly result in the softening of European borders from the Russian perspective.

It’s how they move.

This undoubtedly would have grave consequences for Ukraine’s position not just politically, but actually geographically.

European resistance to the Russian position in Europe has been weakening steadily as time has gone by. Any weakening of NATO would undoubtedly result and a weakening of the European and American position regarding Ukraine.

Trump seems to specialize in playing on people’s fears and making people more afraid. Scared people, and scared nations, do irrational things.

Ukraine’s geopolitical situation is precarious at best.

Trump’s love of strong men, and his fascination with Putin does not help Ukraine at all.

In this case Ukrainians should be afraid.

Very afraid.