Anton Kyslosladky, retired

“The Yanukovych-Putin agreements will have a positive impact on Ukraine. Gas
prices for households will not rise, people will have jobs. I do not know under what conditions Yanukovych signed them, but he is the president, so everything is done correctly.”

Valentyna Onopriyenko, unemployed

“The loan from Russia will make our life easier. Households will pay less for gas bills. I think that Ukraine has signed these agreements on favorable terms. Russia supports Ukraine politically and economically.  If we get into the EU, Ukraine will lose its independence.”

Mykhailo Romaniuk, entrepreneur

“We do not know the conditions. We’ll see later what the implications of these agreements are, but I think these agreements were signed on favorable terms for Putin and for Russia.”

Alina Stepa­nyshyna, student

“It’s a catch. Putin is trying to make us join the customs union. By providing the gas discount, Russia is trying to do everything so that Ukraine does not sign an association agreement with the EU.”

Alla Fandalyuk, scientist

“It’s very bad that Yanukovych signed these agreements with Putin. Russia does give anything for free. It will cost us our freedom. We need to go into Europe, because freedom is more precious.”