You're reading: Meeting of Nobles Fortune Club members with Nassim Taleb

On November 10, a regular meeting of Nobles Fortune Club took place at the Fairmont Grand Hotel in Kyiv with the support of Talent Advisors.

The topic of discussion was “The Path of Motion in a Storm. Indefiniteness Management”. The guest of the Club was the author of “Black Swan” and “Antifragile” NassimTaleb*.
Every guest of the Club came with their Key question. For example, “Should we ignore chaos and relax? Or manage and try?” However, Taleb, being an experienced lecturer, saturated the audience with talk abstracts which despite their obviousness calmed people down:
– Are you bored with the hopelessness the future is saturated with? Transform it, affecting the present.
– Is there a lot of spilt pain surrounding you? Rejoice, you get stronger incentives to grow and develop.
– Are you standing drooping your head before a super-challenge, not knowing how to start and what to take up? Change the structure of events, the way of a thousand li can be overcome step-by-step.
– Does the situation seem hopeless, are the risks running high and is the air electrified with threats? Relax and raise the rates, radicalize, go into “all-in” – it is easiest when you have nothing to lose.

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Although it all looked utmost theory in contrast to the former and current technocratic ministers and CEOs of Ukrainian state enterprises. That is the person who should conduct practical seminars on chaos management and “black swan” breeding (or their Ukrainian co-brothers “black woodpeckers”).
As a moderator Valerii Pekar delivered his speech with deep understanding of the subject. This was the third meeting of Nobles Fortune Club, the speakers of the previous two were Boris Lozhkin and Mihail Saakashvili.

We are grateful to Alfa Club – the best open collar private banking in Ukraine as well as an International law firm Integrites for support in organizing the Club meeting. Nobles Fortune Club is a membership club for intellectual leaders and influential businessmen meeting scientists, economists, writers, politicians, public figures and other opinion leaders.
*Nassim Taleb is a world-famous scientist, mathematician, philosopher, thinker of modern times and recognized financial guru. A graduate of the Sorbonne and an MBA holder of the Wharton School of Business who has built a successful career on Wall Street. The author of bestsellers “Black Swan”, Antifragile”, “Fooled by Randomness” and the sensational theory that studies unpredictable events: their nature and their impact on our lives.