You're reading: Ukraine’s national budget falls short of Hr 16.5 billion in revenues in 10 months

The revenues of the national budget of Ukraine January through October 2014 amounted to Hr 334.8 billion, or 95.3 percent of the target figure with a shortfall estimated at Hr 16.5 billion, the State Treasury Service of Ukraine reported on its website.

“The general fund of Ukraine’s national budget received Hr 291.9 billion, or 95.1 percent of the January-October plans, a shortfall stood at Hr 14.9 billion,” the report reads.

A total of Hr 43 billion, excluding an amount of government domestic loan bonds issued to securitize delayed VAT refunds, was transferred to the special fund of the national budget in the 10 months, which was 96.5 percent of the target figure. The special fund fell short of Hr 1.6 billion in revenues.