
Morning exercises on World Health Day with Ulana Suprun (PHOTOS)

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Ulana Suprun, acting Minister of Health of Ukraine, does morning exercises with other volunteers and participants of the "Activate Health" program in Kyiv in the observation deck at Mariyinskiy Park on April 7.

Acting Ukrainian Health Minister Ulana Suprun joined a crowd of fitness fans early on April 7 for morning exercises overlooking Kyiv’s River Dnipro.

The event, called “Active Health” was held in Mariyinsky Park, in the heart of Kyiv’s government quarter, right next to Ukraine’s Vekhovna Rada parliament.

Government workers and university students took part in the event, which marked the United Nations’ World Health Organization’s World Health Day on April 7.

The event was sponsored by the Ministry of Health and NGOs that promote a healthy lifestyle.