
Ukraine celebrates 1029th anniversary of Christianization of Kyivan Rus

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The Ukrainian Orthodox clergy, monks, and believers attend a religious service organized by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate on July 27 in Kyiv.
Photo by Oleg Petrasiuk

Thousands of people gathered in the center of Kyiv on July 27-28 to celebrate the 1029th anniversary of Christianization of Kyivan Rus.

Every year since 2008, Ukraine celebrates the anniversary of Christianization, known as “the Baptism of Kyivan Rus,” on July 28.

This year, the Kyiv police reported that some 10,000 people participated in the religious procession across the center of the city to the monument of Volodymyr the Great, the ruler of Kyivan Rus who converted the pagan medieval state into Christianity in 988.