You're reading: Lutsenko says he will resume fulfilling duties as interior minister

Ukrainian Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko has said that he will resume fulfilling his duties as interior minister.

“I will return from my vacation and start fulfilling my duties as Ukraine’s interior minister [again]. Of course, I will expect decisions by a parliamentary commission investigating [the incident at Frankfurt airport involving him],” he said at a briefing on Wednesday.

Lutsenko said that he had attended a government meeting on Wednesday at the request of Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.

“I went on vacation at the prime minister’s request, because current law doesn’t foresee the interior minister’s suspension [from duty],” he said.

Lutsenko said that the participants in the meeting had considered the results of an official investigation confirming the “absence of any criminal proceedings launched by the German side against me, the absence of any evidence of alcoholic intoxication, as well as the presence of a successful court ruling against the Bild newspaper.”

“All of these circumstances were taken into account, and today I resume fulfilling the duties of Ukraine’s interior minister,” he said.

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