You're reading: Opposition leader promises new parliamentary election in March, if elected

In an interview with the daily Russian-language Kommersant-Ukraine newspaper appearing on Dec. 9, opposition leader Viktor Yanukovych said that he would consider holding new parliamentary elections in March if a majority coalition cannot be quickly formed after his election as president.

"We may combine the new parliamentary election with new local elections and save a lot of money. That is the logical solution. But first we must take a look at [the old] parliament and see whether it can work in a stable fashion, enact legislation and, finally, explore what options there are to form a majority coalition. If there arise any doubts whether the coalition will be able to work in a stable fashion, then we will call new parliamentary elections, which will take place on May 30. I’ll make that decision in March," Yanukovych said in the interview.

Read the entire interview here.