You're reading: Over 2,900 Ukrainians enter EU without visas in three days

As of June 13 morning, 2,910 Ukrainian citizens have used the visa-free regime with Europe, spokesman of the State Border Service of Ukraine Oleh Slobodian said.

“As of 06:00 on June 13, some 2,910 of our compatriots crossed Ukraine’s border to the EU countries within the framework of the visa-free travel. These are holders of biometric passports, 70 percent of them crossed the border in the western sector at automobile checkpoints, 7 percent at railway checkpoints, 23 percent used airports,” he wrote on his Facebook page on June 13 morning.

Slobodian noted that there were six cases of refusal to let a person across the border. Four of them were connected with the violation of the migration legislation of an EU country during their previous stay and two with the non-confirmation of the purpose of their stay.

“Two of our compatriots were returned by the services of Italy, since they could not confirm the proper level of financial security and did not have return tickets,” he explained.