You're reading: Cabinet raises 2018 state budget revenues by Hr 36 billion for second reading

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in the draft law on the 2018 national budget prepared for second reading increased its revenues to Hr 913 billion in comparison with Hr 877 billion in the original wording of the document.

The finalized document (bill No. 7000) has been posted on the parliament’s website.

According to its data, the revenues of the general fund of the national budget rose by Hr 28.1 billion, to Hr 839 billion in comparison with the original version, those of the special fund was up by Hr 8.4 billion, to Hr 73 billion.

The increase in revenues is envisaged due to the revision of the macroeconomic forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (Hr 11 billion), payments by the National Bank of Ukraine (Hr 1.7 billion), as well as proceeds from 4G introduction (Hr 6.3 billion).

In addition, the new wording of the draft law provides for profit rise due to the growth of economic performance of state enterprises and establishing the basic norm of net profit payment in dividends at 75 percent for Naftogaz Ukrainy (Hr 13.4 billion). In addition, the document foresees proceeds from confiscated funds and the sale of property confiscated under court rulings for corruption offences (Hr 4.7 billion).