You're reading: Canadian instructors complete training course of instructors and teaching staff for Ukrainian military

A course on the rules of working out curricula and teaching materials for the training of Ukrainian personnel according to NATO standard has been completed under the guidance of experts of the Armed Forces of Canada.

As the liaison department of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported on Feb. 11, this is the training course of instructors and teaching staff of the highest level in the countries of the Alliance. It was held for the first time in Ukraine.

During the training, officers and sergeants of the Armed Forces of Ukraine gained knowledge and skills according to the rules of working out of curriculum and teaching materials for the training of military personnel in accordance with NATO requirements.

Instructors and experts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the development of curricula and teaching materials of the 197th training center for non-commissioned officers training centers, colleges and military commanders of the individual arms and services of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the officers of the Centre operational standards for the Armed Forces of Ukraine got thorough training.

The course was organized by the department for work with sergeants of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the framework of military cooperation on NATO program “Improvement of military education” (DEEP) and the activities of the Multinational Joint Coordinating Committee (MJC).