You're reading: Daily Digest: Top news of Friday, June 29
  • Escalation in Donbas. After a short period of a relative stand-down, hostilities in Ukraine’s Donbas have flared up again. During the day of June 28, four Ukrainian soldiers were killed and two were injured.
  • Irish Embassy. Ireland will open its embassy in Kyiv soon, according to Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin.
  • Russia won’t allow Ukrainian ombudsman meet with political prisoners. Verkhovna Rada Human Rights Commissioner Lyudmyla Denisova wasn’t allowed to meet with Ukrainian Oleg Sentsov in a Russian prison earlier this week. She says that Russia is blocking access to Ukrainian prisoners to hide their poor state of health.
  • Saakashvili sentenced in Georgia. Georgia’s Tbilisi City Court sentenced in absentia former Georgian President and ex-Odesa Oblast Governor Mikheil Saakashvili to six years in prison on charges of ordering the beating of an opposition lawmaker.
  • Entertainment in Kyiv. We put together a list of the best cultural events of this weekend and the following week in Kyiv, including Ukraine’s best music festival and a poetry reading by actor John Malkovich.
  • When tech meets agriculture. Ukraine’s farmers see far lower yields per hectare than their European neighbors. Advanced information technology is helping them become more effective. Read this and other stories from our annual Doing Business in Ukraine guide online.
  • How to fix Ukraine’s seaports? In terms of seaports and natural waterways, not many countries are as blessed as Ukraine. But Ukraine’s water transportation has been badly neglected for decades. 

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