You're reading: Daily Digest: Top news of Thursday, Sept. 13
  • EU extended the visa bans and assets freeze against 155 Russian individuals, 55 companies and organizations imposed in 2014 in retaliation for Russian annexation of Crimea from Ukraine and military intervention in Ukraine’s Donbas.
  • Ukrainian agroholding Mriya confirmed being taken over by Saudi Arabian Agricultural and Livestock Investment Company. Mriya’s assets will reportedly be consolidated with another Ukrainian agrocompany, Continental Farmers Group, owned by the same Saudi investors.
  • Anti-corruption detectives suspect Infrastructure Minister Volodymyr Omelyan of illegal enrichment. According to NABU, Omelyan spent way more than his government salary could afford and didn’t declare a BMW X5 car and over $100,000 in cash. The minister denied the allegations.
  • Georgian Myway Airlines starts flying from Tbilisi to Kyiv’s Boryspil airport on Oct. 5. In the beginning, flights will operate twice a week, on Monday and Friday.
  • Ukraine extradited a Russian citizen Timur Tumgoyev wanted by Russian special services for alleged fighting for the Islamic State in Syria. Human rights watchdogs condemned the decision saying he had fought for Ukraine in the Donbas and faced torture in Russia. But Ukrainian law enforcers claim they simply followed the international law.
  • Belarus, which has been a pariah on the international stage, is striving to become China’s gateway to Europe in its $1-trillion cross-continental economic project, the Belt and Road Initiative — a role initially reserved for Ukraine.