You're reading: EU provides over 17 million to support science, innovations in Ukraine

Some 83 organizations from Ukraine, including higher education institutions, research organisations, and private sector, receives 17.23 million euro from the EU within Horizon 2020 programme.

The EU Delegation to Ukraine wrote on its Facebook page that In total, 505 Ukrainian organizations participated in the preparation of 915 project proposals, expecting European Commission contribution of 312.81 million euro.

These results classify Ukraine in the sixth place among Associated Countries in both: the number of participations, and gained contributions from European Commission.

“The potential of the country is bigger, though. Ukraine requires further reforms to create more favourable conditions for the intensification of cooperation between Ukrainian science and industry with partners from the EU and other countries involved in Horizon 2020,” the EU Delegation to Ukraine said.

Ukraine became a new member of Associated Countries (AC) in March 2015. Since then, Ukrainian organizations have been able to fully participate in Horizon 2020 on equal terms with the EU Member States and other ACs.