You're reading: Health Ministry to spend Hr 10.5 billion on purchase of COVID-19 vaccines by late June

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine will allocate Hr 10.5 billion for the purchase of 38 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines by the end of June; by now, Hr 7.9 billion have already been spent for this purpose.

According to the press service of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine with reference to its head Valeriy Patskan, of the spent funds, Hr 7.8 billion were allocated for the purchase of a vaccine, Hr 41 million – for the purchase of syringes, Hr 3.8 million – dilutions, and Hr 18 million – containers for the collection of medical waste.

“The budgetary average cost of a vaccine with all consumables is about Hr 276,” Patskan said.

At the same time, the Accounting Chamber did not specify which vaccine was addressed.