You're reading: Klitschko discusses further support of Ukraine with European politicians in Davos

Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko has discussed support of Ukraine, its European aspirations and the implementation of new projects at meetings with European politicians and representatives of large global companies on the World Economic Forum in Davos, the press service of the city mayor has reported.

Klitschko met with Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, the new leader of Germany’s Christian Democrat Union (CDU) party, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, and Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

“At the meeting with Kramp-Karrenbauer, I congratulated her on her election as lead of the CDU and expressed the hope that the policy of this party and Germany towards Ukraine will not change in any way and that political and economic support of Ukraine will continue, as everyone wants to see Ukraine stable state and reliable partner,” Klitschko said.

“In a conversation with the Austrian Chancellor, we held a discussion on Ukraine’s development, and future elections. Our friends expressed the hope that these elections would not affect stability in Ukraine, so that there would be no turbulence. Kurz once again expressed his full support for Ukraine and promised to visit Kyiv this year. He invited me to the congress of the Austrian People’s Party, which he heads,” he said.

In addition, the mayor of Kyiv discussed new technological projects for the city and their practical implementation with CEO of Germany’s SAP William R. (Bill) McDermott. “This company has already helped the capital of Ukraine to introduce an open budget within the smart city system,” the press service said.

Also during the World Economic Forum, Klitschko visited the Ukrainian Breakfast, where the question of how Ukraine will cope with the challenges that it faces in the year of presidential and parliamentary elections was discussed.

“The threat posed by Russian aggression is enormous. However, we have a lot of challenges in the domestic situation. Future elections mean a lot to the future of the country. First, it is important that they were held meeting the highest democratic standards. Second, the readiness and ability of the winner to effectively protect the interests of our state and strengthen the reform process are vital for the country,” Klitschko said.