You're reading: Kyiv says FSB ships stage provocations in Azov Sea

The press center of the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) headquarters reported of provocative actions by the ships of the Coast Guard FSB of the Russian Federation in the evening time during two days.

“For two days, approximately at the same time periods, after 9:00 p.m., in the Mariupol region of the Azov Sea, tactical groups of boats of the Mariupol detachment of the JFO Marine Guard observe an unusual phenomenon. From the direction where one of the Coast Guard of the FSB of the Russian Federation is detected at a certain distance, with the onset of darkness, the boats of the Marine Guard of the State Border Service of Ukraine are illuminated with a green beam of light,” the JFO said on Facebook on July 26 morning.

Ukrainian military noted that the lighting sessions continue for several minutes.

“No harm to the crew’s health and technical equipment after exposure to the beam has not been recorded. However, taking into account that such phenomena took place on the disengagement line on land, appropriate measures were taken to protect the life and health of personnel,” the report said.

The territorial divisions of the military prosecutor’s office, the National Police and the SBU were reported on this fact.