You're reading: Kyivstar to increase subscriber fees by 30-50 percent from May

The largest Ukrainian mobile communications operator Kyivstar has started sending messages to contract and corporate subscribers about the automated transfer to the new tariffs from May 1, 2018 increased by 30-50 percent in connection with the launch of 4G, and clients report about this in social networks.

Subscribers of Interfax-Ukraine, being an old corporate client of Kyivstar, have not received this type of massages seven working days before the planned transfer. Representatives of the mobile operator told Interfax-Ukraine that the messages will be sent in the near term.

The operator said that the tariff for which 180 hryvnias a month was paid will be transferred to 275 hryvnias a month, which means the increase by 53%.

Kyivstar told Interfax-Ukraine that if clients decide not to use this tariff, they can choose another tariff from the new line, if it is cheaper than the existing one and pay 30 hryvnias for the transfer.

For example, with a tariff of 180 hryvnias there is a tariff of 175 hryvnias in the new line for contract corporate subscribers, in which the number of minutes for other networks is reduced from 300 to 200, but the limit for mobile Internet is increased to 10 GB.

These conditions are noticeably worse than the tariff conditions for ordinary contract subscribers, where the Kyivstar 4G Extra tariff for 155 hryvnias per month the operator offers unlimited Internet, 300 minutes and 200 SMS messages for calls to other networks.

As reported, after holding the tender to receive 4G licenses, Kyivstar President Peter Chernyshov said that the cost of mobile services after the launch of 4G would change by 5-20 hryvnias on average compared with the tariffs used by subscribers now.

“The new tariff line for contract connections has excellent a package of offers and free access to new services: Kyivstar Go TV, Kyivstar Football and Microsoft Office 365,” Marketing Director of Kyivstar Pavlo Daniman said, commenting on the launch of new tariffs.

According to the operator’s press release issued on April 18, in connection with the introduction of 4G the operator has prepared six tariff plans for contract subscribers – from 95 to 1,000 hryvnias per month. The cheapest Kyivstar 4G tariff includes unlimited Internet and calls within the network, 150 minutes to other networks, 150 SMS messages, Kyivstar Go TV light and Kyivstar Football Light. In the most expensive tariff Kyivstar 4G Business VIP, in addition to unlimited Internet and calls within the network, 4,000 minutes to other networks, 4,000 SMS Football, 100 minutes of calls abroad, Kyivstar Go TV light, Kyivstar Football Light, SIM pair and Microsoft Office 365 are offered at a cost of 1,000 hryvnias per month.

Six tariff plans are available for corporate subscribers: Kyivstar 4G 125, Kyivstar 4G 175, Kyivstar 4G 275, Kyivstar 4G Premium, Kyivstar 4G Business and Kyivstar 4G Business VIP.

The company’s press service said that the automated transfer to the new tariffs is turned on only for subscribers of some old tariffs.

Kyivstar is optimizing some old tariffs for contract subscribers. Most of subscribers who had one of these tariffs have selected other up-to-date and more attractive offers. Only 0. percent% of the operator’s subscribers use old tariffs, Manager for Public Relations at Kyivstar Oleksandr Fesenko said.

He also said that according to the statistics, corporate subscribers use more voice and Internet traffic. In 2017, these subscribers used 4.3 percent more voice calls and 97.2percent more Internet compared with the similar figures in 2016.

Fesenko also said that all changes of the tariff plans are in line with the Ukrainian legislation.

In addition, subscribers can choose any other offer for them before May 1, 2018, otherwise the tariffs chosen by the operator will be offered to them.