You're reading: Lawyers visit Ukrainian POW sailors in Moscow jail

Russian lawyers for Ukrainian prisoners of war seamen captured in 2018 by Russian border guards near the Kerch Strait, visited five of them in a Moscow pretrial detention center jail and in the Federal Security Service (FSB) control room.

This was announced by lawyer Nikolai Polozov on the social network Facebook.

The lawyers visited Serhiy Popov, Andriy Eider, Andriy Artemenko, Yevhen Semydotsky and Denys Hyrtsenko, who are being held in the Lefortovo pretrial detention center, the Matrosskaya Tishina jail and the FSB Investigation Department.

“All the sailors visited prisoners of war were in a good mood. They did not complain,” Polozov said.

The lawyers asked what the prisoners needed and passed on their requests to volunteers.

As was earlier reported, on November 25, the Russian border guards attacked and captured three Ukrainian naval vessels en route from Odesa to Mariupol near the Kerch Strait. The crews were then arrested and transported to Moscow. They are charged with the illegal border crossing.