You're reading: Poll says about 20% of Ukrainians ready to re-elect Zelensky as president

Every fifth citizen of Ukraine (20%) is ready to vote for incumbent President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky in the next elections, according to the results of a sociological survey conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation together with the sociological service of the Razumkov Center from May 14 to May 19, 2021.

At the same time, among citizens who definitely intend to take part in the presidential elections and have decided on a candidate, 31% plan to vote for Zelensky.

At the same time, 12% of all respondents and 18.6% of those who came to the polls and decided on their vote would have given their vote for leader of the European Solidarity party Petro Poroshenko in the first round.

The third and fourth places are occupied by MP Yuriy Boiko (Opposition Platform – For Life) and Yulia Tymoshenko (Batkivschyna). Some 8.8% of all voters are ready to vote for the first one (12.7% of those who have made up their minds and will come to vote), and 8.4% of the total population are ready to vote for Tymoshenko (11.7% of those who have made up their minds and will come to polling stations).

In sixth place is leader of the Strength and Honor party Ihor Smeshko, who received 4.2% of all voters, or 5.7% of those who decided to come to the polling stations. The other candidates available do not have significant support. Another 5.9% would vote for another candidate.

At the same time, in the second round of the presidential elections, some 59.8% of respondents would vote for Zelensky, while 40.2% of respondents for Poroshenko.

At the same time, if the parliamentary elections were held next Sunday, the electoral results of the parties would almost completely duplicate the corresponding results of their leaders in the presidential elections.

Thus, the leader is Servant of the People with 18% of support (28% of those who decided to vote). Some 12.4% of respondents are ready to vote for European Solidarity (18.6% of those who have made up their minds and will vote).

Opposition Platform – For Life got 10% of support (14.1% of those who decided to come to the polling stations). The result of Batkivschyna is 8.5% (12.6% of those who have made up their minds and intend to vote). Strength and Honor has a chance to overcome the electoral barrier with 4.2% (6.2% of those who intend to vote and have made up their minds). Other parties do not cross the electoral threshold.

In addition, some 16.7% of Ukrainians would like not to take part in the parliamentary elections, while another 15% found it difficult to answer.

The survey was conducted throughout Ukraine, with the exception of the temporarily occupied Crimea and the territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Some 2,020 respondents aged 18 and over were interviewed. The theoretical sampling error does not exceed 2.3%.